Ilias Tolos
Physiotherapist – Manual Therapist, MSc, Certified PNF Therapist

Ilias has been a qualified physiotherapist since 2002 and holds a Master’s degree in Sports Physiotherapy since 2003 (University of Strathclyde, UK). He was certified as a Midterm Orthopaedic Manual Therapist (OMT) in December 2011 (Kaltenborn-Evjenth) and as a PNF Therapist in October 2012 (IPNFA). He is a registered member of Panhellenic Physiotherapist’s Association (PPTA), member of Sports Physiotherapy and Neurologic Physiotherapy Scientific Groups and member of the Scientific Committee of the Accreditation Programme “Sports Physiotherapist – Exercise Specialist” of PPTA.
His clinical experience started in 2001 in General Hospital “KAT”. Since 2004, he has been working as a sports physiotherapist (Rethymno volleyball team, Olympic Games “Athens 2004“, Greek National Water Polo team), as well as in private practices and at-home visits. Since 2017, he has been the owner of “Physio Apokatastasis” Physiotherapy Private Practice, where he has been offering physiotherapy-rehabilitation services in various cases.
He is specialized in sports injuries, neuromusculoskeletal problems and neurological diseases, having completed various CPD courses (among others OMT Kaltenborn-Evjenth, Mulligan, PNF, Clinical Pilates).
Finally, he has been a lecturer since 2010 at the Department of Physiotherapy of various former Technological Educational Institutes in Greece (currently Universities) and recently (up to 2020) an Academic Fellow at the University of Patras (former Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece).